Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Luke Walton’s Basketball Camp

This summer, because of a mentor I have at Fox News in LA, I had the incredible opportunity of “covering” Luke Walton’s first annual basketball camp is Los Angeles like a real broadcast reporter would. I went out with a camera guy who shot the footage, conducted on-camera interviews with Luke Walton himself as well as a bunch of the young campers, wrote the story, and produced it with an editor. How cool is that?

Anyway, one of the things that struck me the most from the whole experience is how generous Luke Walton was with his time and his energy when it came to these kids. I mean, how many professional athletes would spend long days in the gym, while on crutches, teaching young campers? It showed me how different Luke Walton is from many other successful athletes. Many celebrities gradually become self-centered. They enjoy their success and put aside anything and everything else, spending their time on silly excesses and throwing away their money on superfluous materialistic things. But Luke Walton seemed to me to be the exact opposite; he’s selfless, giving, and certainly not wrapped up in being successful and famous. After talking to Luke, I realized that his basketball camp is a way for him to use his knowledge and his skills to give back to children in the community. He really came across as a kind hearted regular guy, who truly cares about others.

On that note, what kind of role models do you wish you saw in more of our celebrity athletes and movie stars? Do you think it is someone’s responsibility to be a good role model if society has allowed them to become successful? After all, without public support and fans, where would these people be? I know there are many successful people in a variety of industries, but there is also no shortage among these people setting lower and lower standards for my generation and the next. Should people learn to strive for generosity, kindness, and charitable qualities in addition to success?

Americans everywhere are faced with many economic and social challenges right now. Celebrities and athletic superstars are in a position to influence and inspire young people to meet those challenges. Luke Walton patiently spoke to his campers and explained why he was anxious to have his own basketball camp, remembering that some of the best times of his life were playing at camps where counselors not only taught him the fundamentals of basketball but were genuinely interested in making camp a positive life experience. The way he continued this cycle of inspiration was very obvious at the Luke Walton Basketball Camp.

Take a look at the story and enjoy!

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1uizxCFudk


Anonymous said...

It's nice to hear that some of the professional atheltes actually do something positive for their communities. Positive role models for young kids are so important and sometimes hard to find. You should write more stories about athelets that give back.
Nice video!

Anonymous said...

I think it is refreshing to see someone of such great success and prominence to make an effort to share what he has with others. It seemed, throughout the video, that the kids were having a great time playing and really respected everything Luke had to say. Its great to see him contributing positively to the lives of these kids.

I also was extremely impressed with how "legit" you looked as a reporter! You did a great job, asked professional questions, and really looked the part. Nice Alex!
Keep doing your thing.